Friday, October 31, 2014

End Saga

Set the Mood for the Post

Today has been a day of slightly late realizations.

For one, I slept on a ginormous chair in my best friend Bekah's room and never even heard her get ready for the day and leave for work. I mean, I slept across the tiny room from her and she had to walk close to my head to get to the door.

I leave for a Minnesota trip on Sunday evening so I decided to be ahead of impending needs and do laundry tonight. I realized, while pulling up to the Levee Tan, that it's Thursday. The Thursday before Halloween. Which meant I had to wait for a sea consisting of a wobbly Christmas tree, a few cheerleaders, a hot nurse, and a number of bananas to part in order for me to enter the parking lot.

You see, at Purdue we have this place called the Neon Cactus. It's kind of a big town/small city/campus version of a night club. The closest you'll get to a night club in a field of corn, at least. And on Thursdays, they have this special with huge mugs. Like huge. And colorful. I'm pretty sure I don't have enough fingers and toes to count the number of times I heard the word 'b*tch' between getting out of the car and entering the laundromat. And I find it strange how many guys were dressed as bananas this year. 

I suppose the only thing I really had to fear was finding a parking space and the possibility that an impaired banana could smash into my parked car. I also knew I was more likely to enjoy doing laundry late at night than before work tomorrow.

A part of me doesn't want today to end either.

In the morning, every last belonging of a Riepe in the town of Rossville will be wrapped, packed, or sold. My mom will squiggle her name on a few lines, she'll get in her car, and she'll be gone. But it's not the house that's bothering me.

It's the end of our last adventure as a family. Officially.

Of course, I always knew we'd eventually "break up." But I never really thought my parents would be the ones making the big move. And I know I'll see her next week when I pass through to see my Jon, but I miss my mom.

Breaking up is hard. And I don't want it to be over.

P. S. I didn't think to make my mom a mix CD until this evening. Lame.

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